Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Official site of Dr. Joyce Bukirwa Muwanguzi

My name is Dr. Joyce Bukirwa Muwanguzi born in Kilangira village in Mukono district, located in the central region in Uganda. I am a daughter of the late Samuel Sempebwa and Teopista Nassozi. I am a born again christian, happily married to pastor James Muwanguzi of New Life Christian Centre Ministries and God has blessed us with two girls and two boys.


I hold a PhD in Information Science of Makerere University. My PhD thesis was entitled “Examination of the Management of grey literature in university libraries in Uganda”. I also hold a Master of Science in Information Science obtained from Addis Ababa University in 1998 and a Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) of Makerere University obtained in 1994.


My research interests include
-->: Digital Library development, Management of Grey Literature, Electronic Archiving, Information Organization and Processing, Information Storage and Retrieval, Records and Archives Management Systems, Database Management, Internet and web-based Information Systems, Library Management Systems, Electronic Document Management
EMPLOYMENT RECORDI have been a Lecturer at the East African School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS), Makerere University since 1995. Since that time I have taught various courses both at graduate and underdraduate levels.

Graduate Courses Taught
  • Information Organisation and Processing
  • Information Storage and Retrieval
Undergraduate Courses Taught
  • Automation of Library and Information Systems
  • Digital Library Services
  • Automation of Records Management Systems
  • Management of Electronic Information resources
  • Database Management Systems
  • Internet Technology and Website Development
My other responsibilities at EASLIS have include:
  • Research supervision both at graduate and undergraduate level
  • Research
  • Preparing the School teaching timetable
  • Coordinating field attachment
  • Overseeing the management of ICT facilities
  • Curriculum design, review and development
  • E-Learning course management
  • Leadership in the Department of Information Science and overseeing its upgrading to Department of Library and Information Sciences in 2011
I have also served in other capacities as :
  • Regional Library Advisor for the Rwanda Strengthening Rule of Law for Policy Reform in Rwanda, November 2010 to July 2011. The tasks included:

    1. Developing and implementing a training plan for Justice Sector Librarians in Rwanda
    2. Advising on the formation of the Rwanda Law Libraries Consortium
    3. Advising on the development and implementation of a Collection Development Policy for the Rwanda Law Libraries Consortium
    4. Advising the Institute of Legal Practice and Development on effective e-learning strategies
    5. Providing professional advice on the development of the Rwanda Legal Information Portal available at http://lip.gov.rw/LIP/default.aspx
    6. Training Legislative Drafters at Parliament and Ministry of Justice and Civil Society Organisations in research techniques
    7. Work with the Institute of Legal Practice and Development to develop online modules for the postgraduate Diploma in Legislative Drafting
    8. Guidance on installation and customisation of Rwanda Law Libraries Consortium Integrated Library Management System and librarians' training. The system can be accessed at http://rllc.minijust.gov.rw
  • Consultant with Information and Records Management Consultants since 1999 to date. My work has mainly been: analysing organisational records management systems, developing records classification and indexing systems, streamlining records storage, implementing manual and computer-based records and information managemnent systems. I have set up computer-based information systems in various organisations and libraries
  • Assistant Librarian with National Agricultural Research Organization from 1995 to 1998. My duties included selection, accessioning, classifying, cataloging, labeling and shelving library materials, reference service, selective dissemination of information and current awareness services to agricultural researchers, plus document delivery and circulation control.
  • Library Assistant with New Vision Printing and Publishing Cooperation from 1993 to 1994. My duties included indexing newspapers, providing reference services, organizing and making accessible library materials which included mainly newspapers, photographs, reference books and magazines.

1.Conducted onsite training on Knowledge Management in a Digital Era for Parliament of Uganda , December 2011

2.Conducted onsite training in using Koha Integrated Library Management System for Uganda National Council for Science and Technology with its partner institutions, with the support of the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), November 2011
3. Conducted onsite training in Electronic Publishing using DSpace for Parliament of Uganda Library Staff and users, January 2011

4. Participated in the revision and development of the Library and Information Science Curriculum for the Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Juba, Republic of South Sudan, December 2010 - March 2011

5. Conducted onsite training in library automation using Koha Integrated Library Management System for:

  • Law Development Centre (June 2011)
  • Uganda Christian University (September 2010)
  • Parliament of Uganda (January 2010)
  • Busitema University (August 2009)
  • Juba University (December 2009)

6. Installation, Customisation, Training and Support of Koha Library Management System for African Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN) under the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Available at http://fpl.apkn.org (March - July 2010)

7. Conducted onsite training in application of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries for Parliament of Uganda Library staff and users (February 2010)

8. Coordinator and facilitator, Juba University Library Automation Project (JULAP) training programme (Feb 2008 - March 2009)

9. Designed and implemented a standardised Document Management and Filing System (DMFS) for the Bank of Uganda (2004 & 2007)

10. Designed and implemented Records Management Systems for:

    • Reach One Touch One Ministries (2011)
    • Q-Sourcing (2009)
    • Uganda Communications Commission (2007)
    • Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) (2005)
    • Crown Beverages Limited (2004)
    • Shell Uganda Limited (2003)
11. Provided guidelines for setting up an Integrated Library Management and Information Access System for the Bank of Uganda (2007)

12. Provided guidelines for establishing the National Statistical Library and Resource Centre at the Statistics House (2006)

13. Indexed and designed databases for Newspapers, Reports and Publications for the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) (2004)

14. Member of the Technical Working Committee that developed the School Library Development Policy for Uganda (2003-2005)

15. Developed Records Management Software (RMS) addressing loxal records and archives management needs in Uganda. The system is currently used in a number of organisations in Uganda (2002)

16. Facilitated in workshops on data collection, records and data management for local governments in Uganda. These took place in the districts of Pallisa and Kanungu (2004), Gulu (2006) and Mpigi (2008)

17. Facilitated in a number of short courses including:

  • Library Automation using Koha Library Management System (2009)
  • Effective Library Management for Juba University Library Staff (2009)
  • Information Competence and Management for Makerere University Researchers (2006, 2007, 2008)
  • Communication skills and minute writing (2008)
  • Advanced Records and Information Management (2008)
  • Reader Development and Reading Promotion (2003)
  • Capacity building and policy development in e-learning in higher education (2002)


  1. Okello-Obura, C; Bukirwa, Joyce. 2011. An assessment of Makerere University Library and Information Science Students’ participation in field attachments. Mousaion 29(1): 17-36
  2. Magara, Elisam; Bukirwa, Joyce; Kayiki, Robert. 2011. Knowledge Transfer through Internship: the EASLIS Experience in Strengthening the Governance Decentralisation Programme in Uganda. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 21(1): 29-40
  3. Magara, Elisam; Nyumba, Joyce Bukirwa. 2004. Towards a School Library Development Policy for Uganda. Library Review, 53 (6): 313-322
  4. Agaba, D. M; Kigongo-Bukenya, I M N and Nyumba, Joyce Bukirwa. 2004. Utilization of electronic information resources by academic staff at Makerere University. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal, 6(1): 18-28
  5. Andemichael, Yohannes Abraha; Magara, Elisam and Nyumba, Joyce Bukirwa. 2003. Design of an Indigenous Music Information Storage and Retrieval System: Lessons for Eritrea. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2 available at http://www.inasp.info/ajol/journals/indilinga/vol2abs.html#8
  6. Magara, Elisam and Nyumba, Joyce Bukirwa. 2002. Information Manpower Capacity Building for Decentralization in Uganda through Industrial Training, IFLA Journal, 28(1): 31-37


  1. If there is anyone in the EASLIS faculty that we admire and look upto; It is you. Thank you very much for the inspiration and the great work. With you as our anchor, there is hope for us in the future We know we are in safe hands. We truely love you.
    BLIS II EVE, 2010.

  2. I wish you all the best and you have really given me an encouragement. I have so far enjoyed all your lectures and BLS3 students are equally very happy with you.

  3. Your profile really shows how important (BLIS) is. Thank you for your effort in making us know what we didn't knew. May all your plans be a success!!

  4. What an inspirational lady!!Madam Joyce you really have it all and i know very well that the knowledge you imparted in us will never die or phase out like that.You are such a brilliant, flamboyant woman any body would love to be, praise be to the Almighty GOD.WE SHALL NEVER FORGET THE DAYS AT EASLIS MORE SO THE 2008/2011 BLIS CLASS. WHAT I AM TODAY STEMS MUCH FROM YOUR TREMENDOUS EFFORTS.

  5. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

    Document Management Systems

  6. You are a great motivation to many of us Dr. You vividly show to us how LIS is a very important profession. We thank God for you
